The Articulate Dinner Party Board
Here’s some Articulate loveliness for you, courtesy of the wonderful Chandni Minesh Popat on Insta.
When we first saw the photos, we thought that the host had simply themed her dinner table around the game.
Then we realised the genius of it – she’s only gone and transformed the entire table into one all-encompassing Articulate board.
So, we have our place settings as one might expect, plus an inner ring that mirrors the topics on the board in order, along with the ‘all plays’.

It’s a very neat solution to that classic chaotic ‘board positioning’ scenario. You know, when the host is buzzing around having to clear space, some people can’t reach or can’t see, other people do all the work moving pieces, then, just as the game is hitting its stride, somebody knocks over a glass. And besides, the underside of the board is already smeared in lasagna.
It puts the icing on the cake, of course, if the host is a superb designer – Chandni is the creative brain behind Amber Memo, and fans of gorgeous design work would be well rewarded with a scroll through her professional Instagram.

Chandni - along with her friend Neha Pabari - hosts small events to bring like-minded women together in a positive environment, often using Articulate to quickly break any ice and get everybody talking. The dinner on this occasion was Spanish-themed, and you can see the tie-in with the warmth and earthiness of the colours – rather like Articulate’s own elegant palette, as it happens.
Don’t let Chandni’s professional skill put you off trying something like this yourself – nobody will mind if your home-fashioned board is a little makeshift, or your artistic endeavours are limited to a few inept jabs with the kids’ felt-tip pens. It’s the conversation and the company that counts!
#best night in ever