Dig In - Rummaging was never so much fun!
It’s The Dig In frantic finding game, for kids (and big kids) who like their play coming at them thick and fast.
The original Dig In was a family favourite for many a year. Perhaps not quite as widely known as many kids' games, but it always enjoyed stonking customer reviews, and we know from your feedback that it’s a game that many families are very fond of indeed.
We gave it a revamp a couple of years ago, mainly to help children of different ages and abilities to enjoy the game to the full, and to reinforce the creativity involved when playing. The latest version's proved very popular with parents and children alike.
What’s different about the latest Dig In?
WELL, let’s start by going back to basics. Dig In is a quickfire, seriously-speedy-to-set-up game of rummaging and fumbling to find stuff before your opponents do.
It’s great for kids who love lots of laughs; who like getting stuck in; who basically don’t like boring-sitting-still-type games. Adults play it as well, and it can get quite competitive. But – trust us – in adults versus children, the younger ones usually win.
None of the core gameplay was ditched in the update. But you now have the choice of playing in three different ways, depending on how much ‘thinking’ you want the game to involve.
Essentially, we’ve added options around vocabulary, problem solving and creative thought. If that sounds a little dry then never fear – these aspects are very deliberately sneaked under the radar for the benefit of those kids who might be suspicious of an overtly ‘educational’ game.
So at the simplest level, players might be racing to find a yellow car - scrabbling like crazy through the Dig In bowl to be the first to cross this off their list. (You can make things even simpler for the very youngest players by allowing them to search for objects of any colour).
Or, if you choose the second game, they might race to find a ‘thing that has wheels’. A car again, of course. Or a train. What about a boat? Would you allow that? It might have a steering wheel, after all - Dig In encourages lateral thinking!
Or in the third, they might be seeking something beginning with ‘A’ – and – if they're quick-thinking – they might claim the car, as it’s an ‘automobile’. Or an ‘Alfa-Romeo’. After which, they’ll be practising those crucial life skills of ‘convincing’ with the match umpire (an older person, or simply one of the other players, taking it in turns).
Dig In’s incredibly quick and simple to get going, ferociously competitive, and stupidly addictive fun for old and young alike. We’ve recommended the age range as five years and above, as small parts are involved.
Get digging (and check some reviews) at Amazon or Argos!
#kids corner