Coffee Break Question: What Chocolate Bar…
What chocolate bar is the world’s biggest seller?
(Scroll down for the answer!)
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And the answer is… the Snickers bar!
Mars Incorporated’s peanutty treat isn’t just massively popular in Britain and the US – its annual global sales this decade have approached $400 million, and people show no sign of getting tired of the bar that the UK once knew as – spoiler alert! – the ‘Marathon’.
First introduced in 1930, and, naturally, named after a horse, the Snickers bar actually pre-dated what we might think of as its ‘daddy’ chocolate bar.
Mars Bars themselves weren’t a thing until two years later, and were originally a UK-only product – oddly enough, the Americans never really took to them to heart, and Mars Bars have been on and off sale over there through the years, under various names and made to substantially different recipes.
The Snickers itself has changed over the years, but not greatly – an evolution in formula to reflect different tastes, developments in food technology and (presumably) economics. And it’s got a bit smaller, of course. But this is Britain… what hasn’t…?
So here’s your bonus question – multiple choice: in which year did Snickers rebrand from ‘Marathon’ in the UK? Was it a) 1985; b) 1988; or c) 1990?
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Summer 1990 - and we finally got into line with the rest of the world, with the UK-specific ‘Marathon’ brand name being ditched. The old moniker returned for one brief period in 2019, when retro-themed bars were sold in Morrison’s for a few months. Will it ever resurface? Well, never say never…
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