Coffee break question: what colours are in a Battenberg...?
What are the two traditional colours of the sponge in a Battenberg cake?
(This one's from LOGO - The Best of Food. Scroll down for the answer!)
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Traditionally, pink and yellow! Although other colours are available...
Right - we’re going to be a bit controversial here. Although we never turn down a slice of anything, we’re going to admit that we’re sceptical about the merits of the Battenberg, here in the Logo Board Game office.
It’s very nice to keep the flag flying for historical baking, and all that, but – well, to be honest, the process of slicing up two perfectly-good-yet-differently-coloured sponges in order to immediately piece them together again in a junior chequerboard format just seems a bit of an unnecessary faff, and a waste of time that could be spent on eating a second slice of cake.
Many people would disagree. Mr. Kipling, for example. And – to be fair – the ever-amazing Felicity Cloake, who devoted one of her marathon baking sessions to a forensic assessment of pretty well every single Battenberg recipe of the modern era.
Are we being harsh here? For us, it’s those very pastel pinks and yellows that give the game away.
Battenberg was made for an era when Britain was uniformly grey; for when the most desirable characteristic in any foodstuff was a repressed Victorian idea of daintiness. Pass us a big slab of coffee and walnut, and a spade. Then get the kettle on.
For a bonus point, whilst we’re waiting for it to boil…
What flavour jam traditionally acts as the ‘glue’ between sections of Battenberg cake?
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Apricot. OH COME ON, that just about says it all, really...
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