Best of British Express Game Rules
Lay the board on the table and split the players into two teams. Each team selects a playing piece and places it on the START space on the board. Unwrap the cards and place them in a handy pile with their backs (i.e. the side that shows a picture, theme or ‘Pot Luck’) uppermost.
The oldest player in each team will become the first Question Master for their team. The team containing the youngest player will start.
There are four questions on the front of each card. The first question is above the Red band, followed by Light Blue, Dark Blue and Green.
There are three kinds of Question Cards:
- Picture Cards – on which there is a picture that the questions relate to.
- Common Theme Cards – on which all the answers have a common theme.
- Pot Luck Cards – on which there are random Best of British questions.
The board is a path from the outer Start Space into the Winning Zone in the centre of the board. The spaces on the board are made up of the four different colours that match those on the Question Cards. The first four spaces on the board match the order of those on the cards.
After the first four spaces the colour order becomes random, so just answering one question correctly can sometimes mean a big leap forward.
The Question Master on the non-playing team picks up the next question card from the pile, making sure the answers are concealed from all the players on both teams. If it is a Picture Card, the picture is shown to all the players on both teams. If it is a Themed Card, the theme is read out to all the players on both teams. The Question Master reads out the Red Question to the opposing team. If that team answer correctly they move their piece onto the first Red Space on the board. The same team is then given the Light Blue Question, moving their piece onto the Light Blue Space if they answer correctly and so on down the card.
If at any time a question is answered incorrectly then the Question Master can put the same question to the members of their own team for a bonus move. If they answer correctly they move their own piece onto the next space on the board that matches the colour of the question. The original team is always given the first chance to answer each question.
After the Green Question has been played the card is placed to the bottom of the pile.
The Question Master for the other team now takes the next card from the pile and plays the card to their opponents in the same way.
All team members take turns at being the Question Master during the game.
When a team answers a question correctly and there is no space of its colour left to move to, they move their playing piece onto the WINNING ZONE. Their turn is then over even if there are more unanswered questions on the card. During following turns the team remains here until it answers all the questions on a card correctly to win the game. Both teams may end up in the WINNING ZONE, taking turns to try and answer a complete card correctly to win.