The Magic Oven Baking Board Game – fresh on the shelves!
One for the littlest cooks and chefs this Christmas… a race around the kitchen to make and bake pies!
Younger children always appreciate a ‘gadget’-based game, especially one with an element of surprise and wonder.
And from the moment that we play-tested the very first prototype, we knew that this one was going to go down a storm.
The pastry base and the apple filling slide neatly into the oven and… ker-ching!!! Out pops a golden apple pie!
It’ll give 2-4 youngsters aged 5+ a magical session of ‘baking’ (with a lot less tidying up in the kitchen afterwards). It’s very easy to set up, and no batteries are required.
We've fielded a few questions about availability: you may have read stories in the news about supply chain issues affecting toys and games for this Christmas. The Magic Oven Baking Board Game was later on the shelves than we’d have ideally liked this autumn, and we know that some people have struggled to find it.
We’re hoping that retailer stocks will now be healthy in the run up to Christmas – at the time of writing, there are plenty available in Argos (click here) and Smyths (click here), with more deliveries due to other big retailers imminently. High Street independent toy stores *always* appreciate pre-orders and need your support more than ever, so do pop in to see them if there’s one local to you!
To get your tummy rumbling, here’s the Magic Oven TV ad!
#kids corner