From the games: The Acme Corporation
It's not just the big corporate brand icons that feature in the LOGO board game.
There are in there, of course – because their logos are so prevalent in everyday life, and LOGO’s essentially a game about everyday life. But they mingle happily with loads of other miscellanea; taking a handful of cards at random we’re looking at questions about vintage telly; about a movie character who happens to be partial to a particular sweet; about the fillings in boxes of chocolates.
Having said that, the next one on our pile features a LOGO question about the pinnacle of major corporate excellence itself: THE ACME CORPORATION.
Yes! Innovative organisation behind the Acme Spring Powered Shoes, the Acme Rocket Sled, the Acme Instant Tunnel and – of course – the Acme Batman’s Outfit.
OK – you got us. We’re in the pocket of big business.
It's possible that you’re a bit unsure about a US cartoon operation whose products have repeatedly shown to be eccentric, unsafe and unreliable, not to mention injurious to its core customer base of unsuspecting coyotes. So you might want to check out these alternative Great British Acmes instead, all of whom look a little more reputable. (Note: we at Drumond Park cannot be held responsible for external websites, etc. etc.)
- Buy a whistle from Acme Whistles – the best-known Acme here, and proven to be makers of the world’s finest whistles
- Get a job with Acme Appointments
- Acme Tree Services will expertly lop, prune or fell your trees
- Acme Museum Services have a fascinating job – they create all sorts of interesting exhibitions and exhibits and things
- Get your movie visuals sorted by Acme Graphics
- And ensure that your aeroplane door’s shut properly with Acme Seals Ltd.
There! Not a dodgy Exploding Road Runner Trap in sight!
#from the games