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November 21, 2019

Gift guide: Games for primary/pre-school kids

There’s a LOT out there for younger children at Christmas – where to start?

Life’s too short for disappointing games! And kids - quite rightly - are very discerning about these things. So from amiable appliances to fairground bandits… even parroting grandmas – here are five good-quality game gift ideas for younger kids.... all built for lasting fun - with not a screen or an app in sight!

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>> Snap Dragon

Grrrrr!!! Roll the dice and pull his tongue to pinch some gold coins… but don’t wake the sleeping dragon! Snap Dragon will bite, but he’s not TOO fierce, of course – designed for very young kids who like things that make them jump, it’s a classic laugh-out-loud moment when our purple friend makes a leap for their finger!

Snap Dragon on Amazon


>> Mask ‘n’ Ask

This one’s for kids who like being silly! Don a ridiculous cartoon animal mask via a special pair of mask-holding spectacles… then simply guess who or what you ‘are’. Great for a group of friends, and a special magic occurs when the grown-ups join in – for a youngster, there’s nothing quite so funny as seeing dad all serious in a badger mask, unless it’s grandma got up as a parrot. Simple rules and silly props!

Mask 'n' Ask on Amazon

>> Wally the Washer

Wally’s a pre-school favourite – probably the most cheerful washing machine in Britain! Incredibly easy to set up and play – set the machine to go around and round, then fish out some laundry to hang on the line! Wally’s cleaned up bags of delighted five-star reviews from parents and grandparents (“What a lovely, fun, innocent game…”) – he seems to really strike a chord with the little ones.

Wally the Washer on Amazon


>> Word Bandit

Kids love gadgets – and Word Bandit’s got the gadget-factor in spades! There’s a ‘thunk’ when you pull the lever, and an exciting clickety-click ‘whoosh’ as the letters spin… and the kids have already forgotten that you’ve tricked them into playing what’s essentially an educational word game! There are four easy challenges included to fit different ages and abilities – and of course you can create your own.

Word Bandit on Amazon


>> Articulate for Kids

Their very first ‘grown up’ board game – the kids’ version of the UK classic that’s been a regular feature in ‘best board game’ lists for years. With a guide age of 6-12 years, this provides immense fun when friends pop round for tea… or combine it with the original adult game, so that the kids can join mum and dad on a level playing field for family game time. More than a thousand five-star reviews on Amazon… this is a game for every home's games cupboard!

Articulate for Kids on Amazon

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