Articulate! Hits the Top Ten
“It’s a list… a list of, ahhh, ermm… the sort of things that Drumond Park make!!! Ummm… and it’s like, the most popular things of this, on one of the most popular retailers in the world!!! Of ALL TIME!!!”
Yes, that’s right. After fully sixteen years of operation, amazon.co.uk has released a list of its ten biggest ever sellers in toys and games. And – what do you know – our own Articulate! is right in there!
And deservedly so too – durable and loads of fun, Articulate! has simply never gone out of fashion, and is enjoyed by zillions of people the world over.
We asked our Brand Category Development Marketing Outreach Executive for Articulate! for a quote for this piece, and she said: “Yessss!!! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Haaaave ittttt GET IN THERE YOU BEAUTY!!!”
Turning to her fellow Brand Category Development Marketing Outreach Executives, she added: “Who ARE ya! Who ARE ya!” whilst pointing and chanting, before being gently escorted from the Drumond Park offices.
But seriously, yes – we are all really very pleased.
The full list reads: Bananagrams, Pop Up Pirate, Shopping List, Dobble, Butterfly Garden, Medical Carrycase, Rubik’s Cube, Pie Face, Pass the Pigs and Articulate! The Fast Talking Description Game.
If you’re already an Articulate! fan, don’t forget to check out the follow-up, Articulate Your Life – and you can get hold of extra cards, if needs be!
#best job in the world