Where's the Articulate Extra Pack gone?
2022 Update: The Articulate Extra Pack has been retired, but you can now find extra Articulate topic cards in Articulate Express. Follow this link for an explanation!
The Articulate Extra Pack: that popular fix for Articulate enthusiasts looking for a new challenge.
So popular, in fact, that it flew off the shelves somewhat quicker than we'd anticipated over Christmas and the New Year.
We've had emails... we've had social media... so we need to reassure you that MORE STOCK HAS BEEN ORDERED AND IS ON THE WAY. Absolutely as soon as we possibly can, given the demands of production schedules and all that technical stuff that needs doing that you'd think would be simple but never is.
Keep an eye on this page and we'll update it when it's available to purchase again.
If you want something sooner and haven't yet tried Articulate Your Life, then we'd point you towards that: a sister to the 'classic' game with different, very slightly mind-bendier topics.
Plus (*looks shiftily from side to side*) stay tuned to this website later in the year for A MASSIVE AND JAW-DROPPING ARTICULATE ANNOUNCEMENT!!!
Thanks for listening!
The DP Team.
#best job in the world