Articulate Fame Rules
Aim of the Game
To be the team that scores the most points by guessing what famous people their teammates are describing.
Preparing to Play
Players divide into two teams.
All the Articulate Fame cards are placed into the bag. For each player in each team five cards are randomly taken out of the bag, making sure no one sees the names on the cards. So, for example if you have two teams of three, each player takes out five cards so there will be a total of 30 cards for this game (6 players X 5 cards). Empty the bag of the remaining cards and place the selected cards back into the bag, again making sure no one sees the names on the cards.
Describers & Guessers
Each turn, team members are either the DESCRIBER or a GUESSER. All players MUST take their turn at being the DESCRIBER. There is always just one DESCRIBER – the rest of the team are GUESSERS.
The team with the youngest player starts and the oldest player on that team takes the first turn at being DESCRIBER (see below).
DESCRIBERS must be careful not to break any of the ARTICULATE DESCRIPTION RULES (see below). If they break one of these rules, they forfeit the turn.
There are Three Rounds
Round 1 – The DESCRIBER can use as many words as they want to describe the name on the card.
Round 2 – The DESCRIBER can only use two words to describe the name on the card.
Round 3 – The DESCRIBER can only use one word to describe the name on the card.
SO IT IS VITAL TO LISTEN TO ALL THE DESCRIPTIONS FROM BOTH TEAMS IN ROUND 1 – after each turn the DECRIBER can review the names guessed just to help everyone remember them – or not - if you’re feeling extra competitive. After each Round the selected cards are returned to the bag.
The game includes 140 cards. 20 of these are blank to enable you to add your own selection of names into the bag.
Round 1
• Play begins when the timer is up-ended. The DESCRIBER takes a card from the bag and describes the person to their teammates.
• When a team member shouts out the correct answer the DESCRIBER quickly takes another card from the bag and repeats the process.
• When the timer runs out, the turn is finished. The DESCRIBER counts the number of cards that were correctly guessed and records the score.
• Now the other team takes a 30 second turn playing exactly the same way.
• The two teams keep taking 30 second turns – with a new DESCRIBER each turn – until all the cards have been drawn from the bag and guessed.
Round 2
• Once Round 1 is completed all the cards from the round are placed back into the bag.
• Again, play begins when the timer is up-ended.
• The DESCRIBER takes a card from the bag and describes the person to their team mates but this time only using TWO WORDS. If the DESCRIBER says more than two words they forfeit the turn.
• When a team member shouts out the correct answer the DESCRIBER quickly takes another card from the bag and repeats the process.
• An unguessed card is returned to the bag.
• When the timer runs out, the turn is finished. The DESCRIBER counts the number of cards that were correctly guessed and records the score.
• Now the other team takes a 30 second turn playing exactly the same way.
• The two teams keep taking 30 second turns – with a new DESCRIBER each turn – until all the cards have been drawn from the bag and guessed.
Round 3
• Once both teams have completed Round 2 all the guessed cards are placed back in the bag.
• Play begins when the timer is up ended, and the next DESCRIBER takes a card from the bag and describes the person to their teammates but this time only using ONE WORD. If the DESCRIBER uses more than one word they forfeit the turn.
• When a team member shouts out the correct answer the DESCRIBER quickly takes another card from the bag and repeats the process.
• When the timer runs out the turn is finished. The DESCRIBER counts the number of cards that were correctly guessed and records the score.
• Now the other team takes a 30 second turn playing exactly the same way.
• The two teams keep taking 30 second turns – with a new DESCRIBER each turn – until all the cards have been drawn from the bag and guessed.
Once all three rounds have been completed both teams add up their scores from the three rounds. The team with the highest score is the winner.
When describing you MUST NOT:
• Say what letter the name starts with, or how many letters it has.
• Say the name or any derivative e.g. If the name is “John” you may not say “Johnny” or “Jonathan”; for “Dave” you may not say “David” etc.
• Use “rhymes with” or “sound like” type clues.
When describing YOU MAY:
• Gesticulate, act, mime (NOT mouth the word).
• Choose to PASS and not play a card – BUT ONLY ONCE each turn.