Chain Letters

2 - 4 players, aged 8+

about Chain Letters

Chain Letters is an engrossing and creative word game – for those partial to point pilfering.

A player scores by creating a word using the available letters, BUT the next player can chop off the end of their word to begin a new word – stealing those points and reducing the first player’s score. Just when you think you have scored 7 with ENDLESS the next player could add ON stealing your ---LESS to make LESSON. SO they score 6 and your score drops from 7 to 3.



"Simple rules and an enjoyable word game. [...] It is a quick game that my husband and I can play at anytime but will come into its own at Christmas - can't wait!"

"The components of the game are robust and solid. Moreover, the game itself is educational and fun. It is super for vocabulary enrichment, sharing and play pilfering."

"Educational but tons of fun [...] Well worth the price and hours of fun and learning to boot !"